Own the Decepticon from the Japanese series Transformers: Super-God Masterforce! This Transformers Generations Selects War for Cybertron Titan Black Zarak – Exclusive is inspired by the original 1988 toy release, based on the Super-God Masterforce cartoon. The figure converts from robot to base mode in 39 steps, and then to scorpion mode in 33 steps. It comes with classic Tyrant Spear and shield accessories, plus shoulder cannon details. The spear accessory breaks apart into pieces that can store on the figure’s sides in scorpion mode, and the head of the spear attaches to the tail in scorpion mode. The shield accessory attaches to figure’s arm in robot mode. This Black Zarak figure’s head converts into a Deluxe-scale figure featuring battle-damage deco. Remove the head of the Deluxe-scale figure and convert to an additional smaller figure!
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